Privacy Policy

DigiCorner only processes data that it needs for (improving) its services. It handles the collected information with care. Your data will never be made available to third parties for commercial purposes. This privacy policy applies to the use of the website and application, as well as the resulting services provided by DigiCorner. The effective date of these terms is 01/01/2023. This privacy policy describes the data that is collected, the purposes for which this data is used, and under what conditions this data may be shared with third parties. It also explains how your data is stored, how your data is protected against misuse, and what rights you have regarding the personal data you provide to us. If you have additional questions about the privacy policy, you can contact the designated privacy contact person using the contact information provided below.

Data Processing

The web applications of DigiCorner are hosted on Microsoft Azure. Personal data provided for the purpose of our services is shared with this party. Microsoft has access to your data to provide (technical) support to DigiCorner, and they will never use your data for any other purpose. Microsoft is obligated, based on an agreement, to take appropriate security measures. Microsoft uses cookies to collect technical information regarding your use of the software, but no personal data is collected and/or stored. 

DigiCorner uses the services of for its regular business email communication. This party has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent misuse, loss, and corruption of your data and ours. does not have access to DigiCorner's mailbox. DigiCorner treats its email communication confidentially.

For processing payments in the web store and application, DigiCorner uses the platform of processes your name, address, place of residence, and payment details such as your bank account or credit card number. has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. uses this data to perform the necessary KYC (know your customer) checks in accordance with anti-money laundering legislation. reserves the right to use your data to further improve its services and, in that context, share (anonymized) data with third parties. All the safeguards mentioned above regarding the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of's services for which they engage third parties. does not retain your data longer than permitted by legal deadlines.

Purpose of Data Processing

DigiCorner uses your data exclusively for its services. DigiCorner does not use your data for (targeted) marketing unless it has obtained your explicit prior consent. Your data is not shared with third parties, except to comply with accounting and other administrative obligations. These third parties are all bound by confidentiality based on an agreement, oath, or legal obligation. Data automatically collected through DigiCorner's website and application is processed to further improve its services. This data (such as your IP address, web browser, and operating system) is not considered personal data. In certain cases, DigiCorner may be obliged, based on a legal obligation, to share your data in connection with a fiscal or criminal investigation by the authorities. In such a case, DigiCorner is compelled to share your data but will limit itself to the legal possibilities.

Your Rights

Under the applicable Belgian and European legislation, as the data subject, you have certain rights with regard to the personal data processed by or on behalf of DigiCorner. In principle, copies and copies of your data will only be sent